Functional Nutrition

Optimizing Brain Health through Personalized Nutrition

At The Brain Wave Center, the transformative power of optimal nutrition for brain health is a key goal.

The gastrointestinal system is now called “the second brain” because of how it influences mood, brain function, and behavior.

Supporting Healthy Brain Function with Nutrition

A tailored approach addresses conditions like

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Anxiety
  • Attention/Focus Issues
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Brain Fog
  • Concussion Symptoms
  • Depression
  • Learning Delay/Disability
  • Migraines
  • Memory Loss
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Sleep Issues
  • Speech
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Heal Your Brain!

Discover the Power of Functional Nutrition for Brain Balance.

Like the body, the brain thrives on proper nutrition for peak performance. Fast food, imbalanced diets, hidden food sensitivities, and chemical exposure can adversely affect the brain over time.

The Brain Wave Center recognizes the conection between brain function and nutrition. We facilitate the brain's healing, enabling smoother and more efficient functioning through functional nutrition treatments combined with other brain healing processes like:


The Health of Our Digestive System
Reflects Our Brain Health

95% of the body’s serotonin, the “happy” neurotransmitter,
is made in the digestive tract.

The brain and digestive system are intimately connected. If the gut microbiome is out of balance, even eating ‘healthy foods’ can result in poor nutrition and symptoms such as brain fog, memory issues, fatigue, bloating, gas, and more.

Gut imbalances can thereby contribute to a wide variety of mental health issues. Nutrition, including foods like mushrooms for gut health, provides essential building blocks for a healthy brain. The gut-brain axis plays a pivotal role in mood regulation and can be optimized through a Mediterranean diet rich in plant foods and prebiotics.

Exploring Nutrigenomics

Understanding both Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics enables personalized food and supplement recommendations, that are aimed at improving emotional health, reducing disease risk, and optimizing overall wellness.

Why do some people do better on plant-based diets and others on an omnivore diet?


Nutrigenomics explores how our DNA influences our responses to food, toxins, exercise, and more.


Detoxification & Inflammation

We look at how our genes influence our cellular pathways


Weight Gain & Loss Resistance

We look at energy systems that are involved with weight gain and loss resistance


Brain & Cardiovascular Health

We explore functional systems such as brain and cardiovascular health.

Targeted Nutrition for Specific Conditions

Through targeted nutrition, you’ll know what foods are right for you and which ones to stay away from. Targeted nutrition benefits overall brain health, and can help address specific conditions like depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, and autism. Neurofeedback, coupled with targeted nutritional support, such as magnesium for gut health, improves the results of psychotherapy, aiding the brain in reaching its peak potential.

Micronutrients and
Brain Balance

Conditions like depression, migraines, PTSD, bipolar disorder, OCD, and ADHD are linked to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Identifying and addressing these deficiencies, including magnesium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants, is crucial for restoring brain balance.

Quality of Food Groups

Recognizing that the brain is primarily composed of fat, we emphasize the role of healthy fats and antioxidants in improving memory and addressing learning disorders. Antioxidants from food play a vital role in mitigating inflammation linked to memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases.

Detoxification and Inflammation

Brain neurodegeneration has been linked with chronic inflammation. Addressing chronic inflammation through an anti-inflammatory diet is crucial for overall brain health. Inflammation, triggered in the digestive system, contributes to various illnesses all through the body, especially in the brain. Nutrition plays a vital role in managing inflammation and ensuring healthy brain function and a healthy digestive system.

Exercise and Brain Health

Physical exercise enhances blood flow to the brain, improving cognition, mood, memory, and attention span. Strengthening muscles and improving cardiovascular health are additional benefits of exercise, positively impacting brain and gut health.

Our Specialist in
Functional Nutrition

Karen Reynolds RDN LD cFMN CLT CGN

Karen Reynolds, RDN, LD, cFMN, CLT, CGN – Functional Nutritionist

Karen Reynolds has over 30 years of experience as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and is continually enhancing her skills to offer cutting-edge nutritional practices. Armed with advanced certifications in neuroinflammation, brain health, gut health, nutrigenomics, food sensitivities, functional medicine nutrition and more, she leaves no stone unturned in her quest to uncover and treat the root causes of your condition through personalized programs tailored to your biology, lifestyle, and goals.

Her passion lies in delving deep into your genetics and physiology to inform treatments and stop the cycle of symptom-chasing. Whether it's supporting your adrenals to alleviate ankle swelling or targeting your gut to clear brain fog, Karen looks at the whole body, recognizing the importance of integrating your beliefs, values, and aspirations into the healing process.

As a Certified Pilates and Kaatsu Instructor, Karen incorporates muscle and neuroprotective benefits into her holistic approach. She's dedicated to helping you feel better now while building resilience for vibrant aging and longevity.

Experience the Functional Nutrition Difference with Karen Reynolds and discover a path to optimal health and vitality.

Free Discovery Call

Speak with the friendly staff at The Brain Wave Center to see if this therapy is right for you or someone you love!

We consider individual health history, medical conditions, and specific circumstances to determine the suitability of neurofeedback therapy.

Schedule your FREE discovery call to find out if this therapy is right for you!

Frequently Asked Questions About Functional Nutrition

Genes + Nutrition = Nutrigenomics

DNA affects how the body responds to food, toxins, exercise, stress, medicine, supplements and much more.

Nutrigenomics explores how foods and nutrients change the way genes express themselves, while Nutrigenetics looks at response to nutrients based on genetic profile. Knowing both Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics enables tailored nutrition, lifestyle and environmental recommendations that can effectively reduce the risk of disease and optimize health. It is a precision plan specific to you.

A DNA report provides personalized recommendations for targeted supplements; specific nutrients for the body’s needs; and environmental, lifestyle, and exercise strategies that will have a great impact on overall health. During consultation we will discuss specific ways to optimize DNA in areas that you are challenged by; for instance, digestion, mood disorders, memory, and cardiovascular.

DNA testing can identify certain gene variances that affect how the body transports, synthesizes, converts, or absorbs vitamins and nutrients. For example, genetically, a reduced ability to transport vitamin B12 into cells may exist. This nutrient is essential for both brain and blood cells as well as making DNA. Your unique variance would require you to focus on an active form of vitamin B12 supplementation and utilize animal protein for your vitamin B12 source.

In addition, micronutrient tests can pinpoint just where nutrient deficiencies are. With supportive nutrition and sometimes supplements, these imbalances can be corrected.

The digestive system is the Grand Central Station of the body, the hub through which the body takes in, digests, and absorbs nutrients. It plays a central role in the health of the body.

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to the immune system, and much of the inflammation is triggered in the digestive system.

Constant, low-level immune system activation from toxins, pathogens, diet, food sensitivities, leaky gut, dysbiosis and genetics lie at the root of many serious illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and cancers.

Inflammation can be a good thing until it gets out of balance. It can be acute or chronic, beginning as a warning that indicates something is wrong. Over time, if left untreated, it then becomes chronic systemic inflammation. Most people do not recognize the signs of inflammation as an indication of a much bigger health issue.

Common symptoms of chronic inflammation:

  • Acne
  • Anxiety
  • Bloating
  • Brain fog
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Declining memory and cognition
  • Depression
  • Digestive issues
  • Environmental toxins
  • Excess alcohol
  • Excess exercise
  • Food sensitivities
  • Gut dysbiosis
  • Insomnia
  • Insulin resistance
  • Joint pain
  • Lack of exercise
  • Leaky gut
  • Obesity
  • Standard American Diet (SAD)
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Weight fluctuations

Because chronic inflammation contributes to so many of society’s most debilitating conditions —including cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disorders — addressing chronic inflammation can be an effective whole body approach to treating current illnesses while preventing future conditions.

Most importantly, a healthy digestive system is THE KEY to overall health, through managing inflammation and making sure to get the nutrients the body needs for activity, balanced immunity, growth, repair and other vital processes.

Nutrition plays an important role in taming inflammation, and anti-inflammatory diets work particularly well.

An anti-inflammatory diet works to control chronic inflammation. Choosing foods with specific nutrients is what is important to help the body maintain optimum health.

By reducing pro-inflammatory foods (such as red meat, refined and processed foods, sugar, oxidized cooking oils and alcohol) and eating foods rich in protective anti-inflammatory phytonutrients (including berries, colorful veggies, nuts, herbs, tea and dark chocolate) inflammation can be reduced, experience more energy and optimize your health.

What if you were around pesticides and chemicals because of your job or through household and garden products? Perhaps you live or work in a water-damaged building or a home where mold thrives?

Detoxification is the body’s natural way to neutralize and get rid of toxins. If the body is unable to flush toxins out, they build up and create health issues such as brain fog, tiredness, neurological decline, and general aches and pains in the body.

Yes, you can optimize this natural detoxification process. Learning how your biochemical pathways are functioning will guide us toward which supplements work best, how to modify and enhance your diet, and where you should look to reduce toxic exposure.

Food sensitivity testing is the most effective way to identify which foods are a challenge for the body. From there, we can create a customized Resilience Roadmap to address your sensitivities, expand your range of nutritious foods, heal the gut, lower inflammation and regain well-being.