Yoga Classes and Sessions

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a holistic practice that originated in ancient India, aiming to unite the mind, body, and spirit.

The Brain Wave Center, offers trauma-informed yoga sessions, which are specifically tailored to support individuals who have experienced trauma.

Sessions are designed to complement neurofeedback therapy services, creating a comprehensive approach to healing.

The Power of Yoga for trauma Survivors

Yoga for trauma, particularly when combined with neurofeedback therapy, can provide powerful tools for healing.

Experience healing, alleviate triggers, and develop a deeper connection to your body with yoga exercises as a tool for regulation:

  • Breathwork 
  • Targeted poses 
  • Meditation  
  • Mindfulness 

The Brain Wave Center's trauma-informed yoga sessions focus on regulating the nervous system and promoting relaxation, while neurofeedback therapy helps individuals retrain brainwave patterns, reducing symptoms of PTSD and promoting overall well-being.



Learn to re-own your body and experience it in a safe environment through trauma-informed yoga.

What is Vinyasa Yoga?

Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic style of yoga that synchronizes movement with breath. It's often referred to as "flow" yoga because of the smooth way that the poses run together, almost like a dance. The Brain Wave Center, offers Vinyasa Yoga classes designed to invigorate both body and mind through fluid sequences and mindful breathing.


Stress Reduction


Improves Balance and Coordination


Enhances Concentration


Encourages Creativity and Self-Expression


Improves Flexibility


Builds Strength


Enhances Cardiovascular Health


Promotes Mindfulness

Therapeutic Benefits of Yoga
for Trauma Healing

Trauma-informed yoga at The Brain Wave Center offers a safe space for trauma survivors to explore movement, breathwork, and mindfulness practices.

When combined with neurofeedback therapy, individuals may experience both emotional and cognitive healing. 

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Emotional Regulation

Yoga helps regulate emotions by promoting mindfulness and teaching techniques like deep breathing, which can calm the nervous system and reduce emotional reactivity.

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Enhanced Coping Skills

Yoga provides tools such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and self-soothing practices that help individuals cope with stress, trauma triggers, and challenging emotions.

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Cognitive Enhancement

Yoga practices that involve concentration on breath, movement, or specific focal points can improve attention and focus. This enhanced ability to concentrate can translate into better cognitive performance in various tasks.

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Reduced Anxiety and Stress

The practice of yoga has been shown to lower levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), decrease anxiety symptoms, and improve overall mental well-being.

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empowerment and resilience

Yoga cultivates resilience by teaching individuals to stay present, adapt to change, and bounce back from adversity, fostering a sense of inner resilience and resourcefulness.

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Improved Quality of Life

Yoga fosters qualities like compassion, empathy, and non-judgment, which can enhance communication and create healthier connections with others.

Find the yoga class that fits your healing journey

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow yoga is often said to be a moving meditation. The continuous flow of movement helps to keep the mind focused on the present moment, which can help manage stress and anxiety. The focus on breath also helps bring a sense of calm and relaxation.

In addition to the physical benefits, Vinyasa Flow yoga provides a chance to connect with yourself on a deeper level. With regular practice, you may find that you have become more accepting of yourself and your emotions. This can lead to improved emotional health overall.

If you’re new to yoga or looking for a more active practice, Vinyasa Flow yoga is a great option! In a Vinyasa class, you can expect to:

  • Move through a series of poses linked together by the breath
  • Work on flexibility, strength, and balance
  • Develop concentration, and focus on your breath and body.


Trauma-Informed Yoga Classes

When people experience trauma, it can be difficult to identify feelings. The body and brain don't understand what's happening, which causes the muscles to tense and the brain to become overwhelmed as it constantly tries to protect itself. This can cause a person to shut down or lash out.

Yoga does not take one back to the past, its purpose is to help stay connected with the body, in the present. Once tapped into this, a person can work on releasing built-up emotions, stress, and tension.

We specialize in emotional regulation in this class with stress-releasing exercises:

  • Connect to the body with breathwork 
  • Stretch muscles, build strength, flexibility, and balance with slow-paced bodywork
  • Work on focus and awareness, and it will relax the body and mind with meditation

Become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and how they affect your body and mind.

Our Specialists in
trauma-informed yoga

Nika Zusin – Yoga Teacher 

Nika Zusin, a dedicated yoga teacher, brings a wealth of experience to her practice, stemming from a 15-year career as a dancer followed by a decade as a dance instructor. Throughout her journey, she has observed the consequences of neglecting the body's needs, witnessing the prevalence of injuries among dancers who push themselves beyond their limits.

In 2012, Nika embarked on a transformative yoga journey that not only complemented her physical prowess as a dancer but also enriched her life on a profound level. Through the practice of yoga, she discovered the transformative power of meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork, nurturing not only physical strength but also inner growth and emotional well-being.

Today, as a seasoned yoga teacher, Nika shares her expertise with individuals of all ages and body types, adeptly blending various yoga styles to meet diverse needs. Her primary goal is to inspire her students to integrate the wisdom gained on the mat into their daily lives, fostering a holistic approach to wellness.

In addition to her general classes, Nika specializes in trauma-informed yoga, with a focus on working with individuals affected by PTSD. She firmly believes in the healing potential of yoga as a tool for regulation, combining breathwork, targeted poses, and mindfulness practices to alleviate triggers and foster a deeper connection with the body.

Join Nika on the mat as she guides you on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and healing through the transformative practice of yoga.

Tune into a mindful and spiritual state during each yoga class with breathwork and meditation exercises.

Yoga Classes and Packages

The classes are thoughtfully designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for trauma survivors, offering gentle practices to restore mind-body harmony. Whether seeking emotional regulation, cognitive healing, or developing resilience, these classes cater to each person's unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Yoga

While yoga and neurofeedback therapy offer valuable support within a comprehensive treatment plan for trauma, individuals may also find traditional therapy to be a beneficial component in the healing journey. The Brain Wave Center suggests an integrated approach to healing, fostering collaboration with mental health professionals to ensure clients receive optimal care and support.

A trauma survivor integrating trauma-informed yoga and neurofeedback therapy into a self-care routine can be incredibly beneficial. The Brain Wave Center provides personalized guidance and support to help incorporate these practices into daily life, empowering a person to take an active role in the healing process.

Trauma survivors may have specific triggers or physical limitations that require modifications in yoga practice. The Brain Wave Center offers a nonjudgmental and inclusive environment where participants feel comfortable communicating needs. The Yoga Teacher will offer modified poses if any are too challenging or uncomfortable, ensuring that students never feel lost during the practice.

Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable, breathable clothing that allows for ease of movement. Most practitioners opt for fitted athletic wear such as leggings or shorts and a moisture-wicking top. The Brain Wave Center provides blocks, stretching straps, knee pads, blankets, and water to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable practice.

While Vinyasa Yoga primarily focuses on physical movement and exercise, it also integrates mindfulness and spiritual elements. The synchronization of breath and movement encourages present-moment awareness and cultivates a meditative state. Every class starts with a breathwork and closes with a meditation that helps tune into a mindful and spiritual state.

While Vinyasa Yoga primarily focuses on physical movement and exercise, it also integrates mindfulness and spiritual elements. The synchronization of breath and movement encourages present-moment awareness and cultivates a meditative state. Every class starts with a breathwork and closes with a meditation that helps tune into a mindful and spiritual state.

Yes, Vinyasa Yoga can be an effective tool for managing stress and anxiety. The combination of movement, breath, and mindfulness promotes relaxation, reduces cortisol levels, and calms the nervous system. Regular practice at The Brain Wave Center can help individuals develop greater resilience to stress and cultivate a sense of inner peace.